Australian Treasurer Addresses Australian Leadership Retreat in Brisbane
Statement from ADC Forum

Australian Treasurer Addressed Australian Leadership Retreat in Brisbane
This morning the Treasurer, The Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP addressed the Australian Leadership Retreat currently being held in Brisbane, outlining the economic challenges and opportunities for Australia.
Dr Chalmers recognised the global headwinds which are impacting on our economy and acknowledged that various of the disruptive forces we have seen over the last decade as well as the present economic and geopolitical turmoil will constitute longer term challenges for our national development and that dealing with this is a major focus in the Government’s current budgetary process.
However, Dr Chalmers told the audience that overall, there is strong reason for optimism about our national future and our ability to build on our strengths across a number of sectors and he referred to the resilience of nation has shown in responding to recent crises. This forms a strong basis for continuing to build the Australian economy.
The Australian Leadership Retreat (ALR) is an annual gathering of leaders from business, Government, the public sector, academia, and the broader community to improve their understanding of key issues affecting Australia and its role in the world. ADC Forum is a non-political not for profit leadership organisation committed to contributing to our future.